About Factile, The Ultimate Jeopardy Game Maker
Factile is the #1 online Jeopardy game maker for classroom topic reviews
Factile has been used by teachers and businesses worldwide since 2017 to become the #1 Jeopardy-style review game. Created and owned by Solis Creative, LLC, Factile is used by over 2 million users worldwide with nearly 2 million games created. We are based in Massachusetts and our servers are hosted in Virginia.
Your privacy is important - your email is only used for service related communication such as the welcome email, cancelation confirmation email, and for password resets. We never sell email addresses and do not do any email marketing. There are no ads on the Free or Pro accounts. Trusted by leading school districts and companies worldwide, we are committed to a fun, rewarding and safe experience. Enjoy.
Our privacy policy can be viewed at Privacy Policy.
Worldwide Reach
2M+ Jeopardy Games
Played by the Best of

Our Values
Bringing fun to classroom topic reviews
and integrity
We operate with the highest integrity. We protect our users' privacy, we never sell ads on our site, never sell emails, never do email marketing to our users. For Pro users we will email users ahead of renewals so they can cancel prior to a charge and we make it easy to cancel online from our users' accounts or via email.
Our users
count on us
Our users plan on games in the classroom and at events and count on everything working well. We will ensure a reliable, robust app for a great experience. We will listen to ideas from users to improve the app - new features, performance etc.
Make it fun,
engaging, and easy
The whole idea is to make topic reviews fun and engaging : ) ! Our users are busy so we make it easy to create and play games. Our users each have different situations so we make it flexible and customizable.

Make a Jeopardy Game for Free
Factile is a free learning platform that lets teachers create engaging jeopardy-style quiz games for the remote or in-person classroom. Assess students' understanding of new topics or review the latest concepts using our simple, user-friendly gameboard template. Create and share your games with students, or search our database of already-created games. Use Factile with Google Classroom to easily assign games and flashcards to your class.
Word on the street
Over 2 million teachers worldwide love using Factile to challenge and engage their students. But don't take out word for it - check out the rave reviews below!

Factile is fun and exciting. Students enjoy the competition, the team-building, the camaradarie, the positive reinforcement, or all of the above. The standard, free version is very workable and click-driven, although I am sure the premium version contains greater functionality that may appeal to some folks. Your students will enjoy it as much as you enjoy watching them learn

I am always on the lookout for fun new games to create and play online with students. I was so excited to find this one last week. Factile is one of my new favorites and kids will love this one! And it is so much fun to create your jeopardy game. I love how the questions look as they pop up on the screen. Kids will think this is fun...and the funny characters make it even better. The possibilities are endless.
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